There is no unanimity of opinion either of spore function in nature or of the factors concerned in spore formation. 不论关于芽孢在自然界中的作用,或有关芽孢形成的原因,都没有一致的看法。
Meiosis, which usually precedes spore or, sometimes, gamete formation, halves the chromosome number to produce haploid gametes. 染色体数目减半通常发生在减数分裂产生孢子或往往是合子减数分裂形成单倍体配子时。
The results showed that Mn 2+ influenced the D-ribose synthesis and the spore formation obviously. 发现Mn2+对该突变株合成D核糖和形成芽孢具有非常显著的影响。
In order to increase bacteria production and ratio of spore formation, experiments were conducted to obtain the best fermentation condition and media, and to determine the growth curve under the most favourable culture. 为提高菌体的得率和芽孢转化率,进行了菌株D1最佳培养条件参数和培养基优化的研究及测定此条件下的生长曲线。
The optimum temperature and pH value were 20-30 ℃ and 6-9, respectively. The fluorescence promoted the spore formation while the blacklight fluorescence inhibited it. 菌丝生长和产孢的适温20~30℃,适宜pH6~9,荧光可促进产孢而黑光有抑制作用。
Study on the Fruit Body Form and Spore Formation of Coprinus Comatus 鸡腿菇子实体形态变化与担孢子形成的研究
Histopathological observation found that 0.3 g/ mL of garlic extract could effectively inhibit conidia spore germination and appressorium formation fungi on the leaves and block fungi to penetrate into leaf tissue. 组织病理学研究表明,大蒜提取物可以有效阻止病菌在叶片上的萌发和附着孢的形成,从而阻断病菌的侵入过程。
The results showed that the developing process of the spore roughly included the formation of septum, the double membrane wrapped spore, the preliminary growth cell wall, sequentially; 结果表明,整个芽孢的发育过程依次经历了前芽孢、双层膜芽孢、初生芽孢壁形成、芽孢衣与孢外壁形成以及皮层形成等过程。
Spore's formation and its shape was affected after mycelium was treated with Antimycin A_ ( 17). 经AntimycinA17处理过的菌丝体所形成的甲型孢子,其萌发力和形态都较正常孢子有很大差别。
The results showed that the optimal temperature of spore germination, hyphal growth and spore formation of B. cinerea was from 20 to 22 ℃. 结果表明,该菌孢子萌发、菌丝生长和产孢的适宜温度为20-22℃;
The main results were as follows: 1. Treatments of spore suspension with the microfilament inhibitor cytochalasin D ( CD) indicated that 1-20ug/ ml CD treatment had no effects on spore germination and appressorium formation of M. grisea strain YOU 2. 所得主要结果如下:1.细胞松弛素D(CD)在1-20μg/ml的浓度范围内,基本上对稻瘟病菌菌株Ⅱ优孢子的发芽及附着胞的形成没有影响。
Meanwhile, the vegetative growth of the transformants mycelium were promoted after parasite sclerotial, thick mycelium was generated on the surface of Sclerotia, but spore formation had not been restored. 同时,敲除转化了寄生菌核后菌丝的营养生长得到促进,在菌核表面生成厚密的白色菌丝,但是孢子形成没有得到恢复。
There are many reports about the relationship between the surface ornamentation types of pteridophytes and the taxonomy. However, there are few reports about the development of spore wall and the formation of the spores of pteridophytes. 有关蕨类植物孢子表面纹饰类型划分以及与系统分类的关系,国内外已有许多报道,但有关蕨类植物孢壁的发育和表面纹饰的形成规律研究甚少。
Study showed that the roles of the two component system were involved in oxidative stress response, osmotic response and spore formation in filamentous fungi. 研究表明,双组分系统在丝状真菌中与氧化应激应答、渗透压应答及孢子形成有关。